Monday, January 24, 2022

Books in 2022: Mistborn series, Book 3: Hero of Ages

Book #4

I found the end to the trilogy.. poetic. Who doubted itself at every step, questioned about the very existence of divine finally merged with One, became the One. Poem indeed ! 

I failed to realize that the Hero of Ages was always there in front of my eyes, I was reading about it every time, writing about here in the blog but still failed to recognize! May be I will decipher these patterns as I grow further into this genre. Nevertheless, it was satisfying to read how everything came together at the very end, everything demystified and all secrets revealed. Alas, Elend and Vin weren't there with me to celebrate the epic end.

Philosophy of religions probably had a roller-coaster ride throughout the series. On one hand, religions gave people enormous motivation and power, as we learnt in book 1, yet on the other, almost all of their faith was lost when  it was realized that they can manipulated by evil forces. However, at the end religions found their definition - "They weren’t all true. But they all had truth"

A journey from this:
How did men believe in something that preached love on one hand, yet taught destruction of unbelievers on the other? How did one rationalize belief with no proof? How could they honestly expect him to have faith in something that taught of miracles and wonders in the far past, but carefully gave excuses for why such things didn’t occur in the present day?
to this:
The religions in my portfolio weren’t useless after all, he thought, the power flowing from him and remaking the world. None of them were. They weren’t all true. But they all had truth.

* * * * *

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