Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Books in 2022: Mistborn series, Book 1: The Final Empire

 Book #1

With the Mistborn series, I commence my journey with long high fantasy novels. "The final empire" is first book of the series written by Brandon Sanderson. 

Overall, the novel is really gripping, specially at the end. Though the plot is simple - group of rebels plan to overthrow a tyrant emperor and finally succeed - yet it contains lot of secrets up its sleeves. The way Sanderson has designed its setting and embedded some very strong characters, it has all come together really well at the end. Probably for the first time in a fiction novel, I really liked its characters - Kelsier, Vin, Sazed are my top picks.

I really liked Sanderson's writing style - simple yet loaded with philosophies. There were lot of take aways from the novel, however, one that really stood out for me was that it took to spawn an entire new religion to motivate people, who were apparently forced to slavery for a thousand years, to rebel against a tyrant government. It was quite refreshing to read positives of religion as to how it can bind energies of millions of people to accomplish something so great.

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